Sunday, June 21, 2009

How does the grading system in England work

How does the grading system in England work ?
i know that they dont call it 1st grade and stuff like that but can someone explain it to me like for example : years old - grade your in like that cuz im confused (:
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
Primary School: Reception : 4-5 Years old. Year 1: 5-6 Years old. Year 2: 6-7 Years old. Year 3: 7-8 Years old. Year 4: 8-9 Years old. Year 5: 9-10 Years old. Year 6: 10-11 Years old. Secondary School: Year 7: 11-12 Years old. Year 8: 12-13 Years old. Year 9: 13-14 Years old. Year 10: 14-15 Years old. Year 11: 15-16 Years old. Sizth Form: Year 12/Lower sixth form: 16-17 Years old. Year 13/Lower Sixth form: 17-18 Years old.
2 :
Yes you start nusery at age 2 or 3 I think then you move onto infant school then you goto Junior school after that you start comprehensive school at this stage you are about 12 or 13 and start at yr7 then each year you move up so after that it goes yr8 yr9 yr10 yr11 then you leave school at age 16 and either go onto college to study something else or you go into a job. Danny

Sunday, June 14, 2009

How do the schools work in England? (Specifically, High School to college.)

How do the schools work in England? (Specifically, High School to college.)?
I'm thinking about moving in with some relatives in England, but I'm curious as to how the schools work. What grades are there? I heard you only go until you are 16 years old, but here we go until 18. Help?
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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Secondary school (high school) is for 11-16 year olds. education after that is not compulsary. Unlike in the states collage is free.
2 :
Yep, over here compulsory schooling finishes at 16 when you take your GCSE exams, and providing you meet the grades you can then progress to college (optional, but you'd be a fool not to do it - leaving school at 16 to work gives you very few opportunities other than minimum-wage shop work) which can then lead to university (a great experience and pretty much the only way if you want to get a well paid job at the end of it all). If you move to England then remember to bring your coat! :-)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

How does home school in england work

How does home school in england work?
i'm halfway through my a2's and i want to be home schooled for the final few months, how do i go about doing this and do i need to be home schooled by a parent/guardian because i'm above the age of the legal requirement to have to go to school? any help would be great! thanks for the answers, great help :)
Home Schooling - 6 Answers
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1 :
stop bein lazy
2 :
I think the usual procedure would be stay enrolled at the college you are at and arrange with them to have course materials sent to you electronically, perhaps using Blackboard or something. Not really sure though, homeschooling is pretty unconventional in the UK.
3 :
Well if your parents have a license to educate you at their free will, then yeah, you can be home-schooled. But home-schooling is for people who have been bullied, or don't know what to do anymore, or just can't cope with school and feel like committing suicide.
4 :
Contrary to the belief of some here... Homeschooling is not rare in the UK. However, I'm in the US and don't know the answers to your specific questions. I can at least point you to the right people to ask: Education Otherwise should be able to handle any questions you may have. If you can't find the answers browsing their site (or just don't have the time to hunt) then you can use it to contact a local group and ask a live person: Good luck!
5 :
Its Quite Easy But You have to go Through The Basic Rules And Guidelines if you do it illegally you could get into serious trouble. use this web cite and followed the rules you have to call a few people up and get recommendation make shure you read it all. once you have done it all you want get sent work because you are not registered to a school. the only way you could get sent work is if you have to right money to have a privet home tutor which cost around 50-60 pounds a hour. you would have a visitor come after a few months to see how you are doing if you have no produced enough work you will get sent back to school or your mom and dad could get sent to court. i hope i helped.
6 :
The simple answer first. Technically Home Education doesn't really apply to you, as you pointed out you're over school age, so I really wouldn't bother with any of the home ed organisations. Legally you can walk out of FE college any time you like and you don't need anyone to teach you. That said, given that you're already over a term into your second year your college will probably already have you booked to take the exams with them. I would go and talk to your year tutor or someone similar about continuing your studies without physically attending but still taking the exams with them. There's no real practical reason why you shouldn't be able to do that, but the college will no doubt take some convincing that you're going to do the work. They can be fairly flexible, when I was doing my A Levels my college let me take an O Level in a subject they didn't even teach because I convinced them I could do it by myself. Something else to consider is that if your parents are still getting Child Benefit for you they are likely to loose it if you stop going to college. Students who have been home educated before school leaving age are usually accepted for benefits up to 18 but they will probably see you leaving college as leaving full time education.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Can I go to college here and America and work in England

Can I go to college here and America and work in England?
I currently live in America. If I get a degree here in the medical or engineering fields would it be recognized in england as well? i.e. could I work in England?
Immigration - 1 Answers
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In Engineering, possible. But for Medical, you need to pass additional exams to practice medicine in UK.