Sunday, August 1, 2010

do dvd's from england work on dvd players in the united states

do dvd's from england work on dvd players in the united states?
more directly the melanie c dvd "live hits"... if i buy this dvd from england will it work on my dvd player?
Other - Electronics - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, but you can get DVDs that are Multi Region. and even then you may need a special lead for it to play in colour on your TV Edit: If you have a DVD Player on your computer, you could download some DVD Playing sofware called DVDX (i think) that has no restriction. I bought a DVD from America and only that plays it.
2 :
Yes, they do because Nero suits are common for all the DVDs
3 :
I would never have thought about that......Don't pick me for best their answers were great...I just wanted to pop in and say hi...HI!!