I know you will need an adaptor but I read that the DS charger can burn up because in England they have different electricity outlets. 10 for best answer!
London - 2 Answers
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1 :
You need an adaptor AND a converter, you can find then in travel/luggage stores
2 :
The UK uses socket outlets which are completely different from any in the USA or elswhere in Europe. In addition, the electricity supply in the UK and Europe is at 220-240 volts, so unless your charger is rated for 110-240 volts - yes, it will burn out. As a further complication, UK and Euopean electricity is supplied at 50Hz AC, whlist the USA uses 60Hz AC. This difference doesn't much matter for a battery charger since the output is converted to DC anyway, but anything American that runs on AC electricity won't work in Europe without a converter.