I need to know in detail how the British Secondary School System works. I'm planning to go there and I need to know if you are trying to apple for 2010/11 when do admissions usually start? How do you earn a scholarship? Please help.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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well , i don't go to private school , i go to just a normal high school , however i think it is the same really. you don't mention your age so ill say the ages : ages 11-12 - year 7 ages 12-13 - year 8 ages 13-14 - year 9 ages 14-15 - year 10 ages 15-16 year 11 then you can stay on at sixth form ( basically year 12 and 13 ) which you stay at for 2 years ( this is optional ) then you can go to college and university. if you are applying for 2010 then you will be put on a waiting list , because you will fine most schools will be booked. if you are going for 2010 then you will probably go back after the christmas holidays. earning a scholarship in private school will be slightly different. you may need to take an exam to get in , and most private schools expect you to pay for going to school. so just bare those in mind before moving. to be honest you can try private school , but if you are moving over to here , you need to be aware of costs and things. then you could try a normal high school. Hope this helps