Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Can i work in England Visa free on a dutch passport with my circumstances

Can i work in England Visa free on a dutch passport with my circumstances?
I am a New Zealander, born and raised. Recently i aquired Dutch nationality through my Opa, on my dads side. I can get a dutch passport. Concidering my circumstances, will i be able to wrok in England Visa free?
Other - Destinations - 1 Answers
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I was not aware that you could obtain nationality based on a grandparent under Dutch law as it is only on the basis of a parent and not a grandparent - so you may want to double check this (if you do not have a passport already). http://www.minbuza.nl/en/welcome/DutchCitizens,dutch_nationality/how_can_i_acquire_dutch_nationalityx.html Anyway, if you do have a Dutch passport, then yes you are able to travel and work in the UK without a visa. However, the recession has really hit the UK hard and employment is rising by the day. So again you may want to consider this before making a hasty decision. Good luck