Thursday, January 7, 2010

How does the school system work in England

How does the school system work in England?
Like at what age do they start pre-school and if its called different please let me know and what are the grades like for ex. do they go to school from pre-school to 12th grade or what?? Please Help
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
Okay so it usually starts with nursery (this is not compulsory though) at the age of 3-4 Then you go the reception from 5-6 Then you go through primary school until the age of 12 when you start secondary school (first years are year 7) until you reach year 11 (aged 16) Then you can either go to: - Sixth form (year 12 and 13) - College - Work Hope that helped :]
2 :
Pre-school we call nursery age 3-4 kindergaten we call reception class age 5 classes 1,2,and 3 first school classes 4-6 untill age 12 middle school Years 7-11 untill age 16 High school some high schools have an extra year called sixth form some don't, if they don't they go on to college legally you can leave full time education at 16 and get a job you can go to college how ever long you want depending on your courses most people do 2 years of A levels and go off to university at 18